We owned SILVER STAR brand Electric Steam Iron since 20XX. In past many years, we innovated and improved some typical models like ES-300, ES-300L, ES-94A that help build impressive reputation in Electric Steam Iron industry for SILVER STAR brand, which also connected the stable distribution channels with globalized customers. Nowadays, the SILVER STAR brand Electric Steam Iron that sold in China and exported to overseas market has engaged it as a influential brand worldwide, not only in helping maintain the business cooperations that already exist, but also in attracting the attention from emerging markets.


We hold the spirit of "Constantly Strive for Perfection" and in the target of enlarge the brand influence & build the brand loyalty, we will take action to expose and strike down those copyers who undermine our SILVER STAR brand authorization. Meanwhile, we will collect feedback from each party or channel to keep the brand sustainability that can offer more useful, more convenient products.